Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Loonie Loonie

Okay folks this high Canadian dollar is bad and I mean really bad news. A high dollar may mean that we can all go shopping in the U.S. but it also means that the Canadian economy is going to suffer because our competitive edge has been lost. Why buy Canadian goods and services if they are the same price or more expensive than other countries?
I know that some local manufacturers have cut their work weeks and laid off employees. These people are going to have less money to spend and those in the service industries will also suffer. It is a domino effect to all areas of the economy. So stop cheering for a high dollar and pray for something in the 75 to 80 cent range in comparison to the American greenback.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Many Quebecers have told me that they don't like Stephane Dion because he lectures to them like a father lectures to a badly behaved child. I think that a by-election provides an electorate the opportunity to rebel without the severe consequences of a general election loss. Meaning that you can elect an NDPer without worrying that somehow you are electing a government. The voters can say to the LPC and Stephane Dion we don't like the way you have been treating us so we are going to elect someone other than a Liberal. When it comes to a general election I believe that the voters of Outremont will behave differently.

That being said the LPC had better examine the campaign they ran. A poor choice in candidate for the riding, poor organization and party infighting are not going to win a campaign. I can't understand why Dion would appoint a candidate who isn't liked by the Jewish community. Even if the perception of the candidate as being anti-Israel is wrong, it is a huge obstacle to overcome in politics perception is everything. Reading the post of Justin Tetrault it is clear that this wasn't a well run campaign. The party infighting is also documented in that post.

As for the Conservative gains, it is Brian Mulroney all over again bribe the separatist voters with federal money and powers and reap the dividend for your party. To hell with the country all Harper cares about is staying in power.