Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Can Disney save the Mounties?

For much of Canada's history the Royal Canadian Mounted Police has been a symbol of Canada. Some of the image was the creation of Hollywood, but much of its image was a result of the good and honest work that the force did in the Canadian West. Now we are faced with scandal after scandal.

As a lawyer, I have come to understand that you cannot always trust that the Police are doing the right thing. The RCMP and other police services are made up of human beings just like you and I. They make mistakes, they can become drunk on the power that they wield and a very small minority of police officers are dishonest. Society as a whole tends to believe that the police do no wrong and it is only when they have their own encounter with the police do they see that the police sometimes do make mistakes and sometimes do abuse their power. That is why all police services need civilian oversight and critical review of their operations.

The RCMP appears to have lacked this kind of oversight and critical review. The Mounties appear to have strayed from the straight and narrow. Who knows maybe the RCMP has been like this for a long time and its rotten internal culture is just now being exposed.

I wonder how Disney will market the Mounties now?

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