Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Black and White

I believe that there are too many bloggers who portray things as being black and white (to use an old cliche) when the truth is that most issues are not clear cut. For instance Harper's trip to Afganistan, while clearly it is a political move that is intended to aid him politically it also serves a useful purpose of improving the morale of the Canadians serving there.

Should Canadians be in Afganistan? That is a different issue and if you want to question our role in Afganistan and NATO I respect you for it but don't portray Harper as being completely wrong in visiting our troops.

I want to make it clear that I am no fan of Mr. Harper and his government in fact I work everyday to get Harper defeated and since the end of the Soviet Union I question the need for NATO. But as long as Canada is a member of NATO we need to honour our obligations.

What bothers me right now is that other NATO countries don't seem to be willing to do the same; Canada has asked other NATO member countries to do more in Afganistan with no success. Perhaps it is time for NATO to be moth balled; not completely disbanded but end its operational functions until its role can be debated by the member countries.

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