Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Lets all just get along

In my previous post I mused about the hypocrisy of some not all conservative bloggers. Then I went to edit the post for a typo and noticed that I had some comments in a old post that I had done. I had never noticed the comments before as I didn't think that anyone read this blog other than me, so I read the comments and they turned out to be the same comment twice.

The commenter accused me of rank hypocrisy! I was shocked so I reread the post in question and I can't see the hypocrisy but I'm willing to accept that the commenter sees some sort of hypocrisy on my part. I have tried to see all sides of polictical issues and this may have led to some postings that contradicted each other, the fact is that I sometimes change my mind about things. I continue to learn and my opinions develop; if that is rank hypocrisy then so be it.

I'm not sure what I said that set the commenter off but in the future I will try to be more understanding of other bloggers and I will watch the language I use in my comments and postings.

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