Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Gary Bettman is an NBA mole

Interesting post on Lord Kitchener's Own about Gary Bettman. I had never heard this theory about David Stern planting Bettman as a mole in the NHL in order to destroy the league, but it explains everything that Bettman has done as Commissioner.

The insane expansion into non-hockey markets, the moves from Winnipeg and Quebec City, the poor treatment of Canadian fans, the lockouts etc. etc.

The latest scenario where Jim Balsillie is treated like crap because he wants to move the Predators to an actual hockey market is proof positive that Bettman is out to destroy the NHL. I have to believe that when the NHL finally goes bankrupt that a new league will emerge that has teams only in sustainable hockey markets in Canada and the USA. No more Nashville, Atlanta, Carolina, Tampa, Florida and with new owners in Chicago and Boston great hockey towns that have been alienated by the teams ownership.

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