Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Lets all just get along

In my previous post I mused about the hypocrisy of some not all conservative bloggers. Then I went to edit the post for a typo and noticed that I had some comments in a old post that I had done. I had never noticed the comments before as I didn't think that anyone read this blog other than me, so I read the comments and they turned out to be the same comment twice.

The commenter accused me of rank hypocrisy! I was shocked so I reread the post in question and I can't see the hypocrisy but I'm willing to accept that the commenter sees some sort of hypocrisy on my part. I have tried to see all sides of polictical issues and this may have led to some postings that contradicted each other, the fact is that I sometimes change my mind about things. I continue to learn and my opinions develop; if that is rank hypocrisy then so be it.

I'm not sure what I said that set the commenter off but in the future I will try to be more understanding of other bloggers and I will watch the language I use in my comments and postings.

Monday, November 5, 2007


I have been reading a number of Conservative bloggers who use the term hypocrisy without seeming to understand its meaning, they attack other political parties (mainly the Liberals) but the Conservative Party and PMSH can do no wrong. Its like a cult and they have drunk the kool-aid.

So sad.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Economy

I'm really shocked by how the economies in Canada and the United States are doing. The latest is that even with the obvious problems in the U.S. that the overall economic situation is good. In Canada the high commodity prices and the problems in the U.S. are pushing the dollar higher and higher. The manufacturing sector is hurting but not as badly as I expected.

Is it only a matter of time? I think so, but I hope that I'm wrong.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Ontario Election

I was wrong about the size of the majority but I still think that I am right about John Tory and Howard Hampton.

We'll see!!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Loonie Loonie

Okay folks this high Canadian dollar is bad and I mean really bad news. A high dollar may mean that we can all go shopping in the U.S. but it also means that the Canadian economy is going to suffer because our competitive edge has been lost. Why buy Canadian goods and services if they are the same price or more expensive than other countries?
I know that some local manufacturers have cut their work weeks and laid off employees. These people are going to have less money to spend and those in the service industries will also suffer. It is a domino effect to all areas of the economy. So stop cheering for a high dollar and pray for something in the 75 to 80 cent range in comparison to the American greenback.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Many Quebecers have told me that they don't like Stephane Dion because he lectures to them like a father lectures to a badly behaved child. I think that a by-election provides an electorate the opportunity to rebel without the severe consequences of a general election loss. Meaning that you can elect an NDPer without worrying that somehow you are electing a government. The voters can say to the LPC and Stephane Dion we don't like the way you have been treating us so we are going to elect someone other than a Liberal. When it comes to a general election I believe that the voters of Outremont will behave differently.

That being said the LPC had better examine the campaign they ran. A poor choice in candidate for the riding, poor organization and party infighting are not going to win a campaign. I can't understand why Dion would appoint a candidate who isn't liked by the Jewish community. Even if the perception of the candidate as being anti-Israel is wrong, it is a huge obstacle to overcome in politics perception is everything. Reading the post of Justin Tetrault it is clear that this wasn't a well run campaign. The party infighting is also documented in that post.

As for the Conservative gains, it is Brian Mulroney all over again bribe the separatist voters with federal money and powers and reap the dividend for your party. To hell with the country all Harper cares about is staying in power.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Ontario Election

I am going to make a prediction now and see if it comes true, I think that the Liberals will win a small majority. I think that John Tory will be a one election leader. I think that this will be Howard Hampton's last election as leader of the NDP and I think that MMP will fail.

Lets see what happens.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The August Doldrums

Damian Cox writes about how this is a down time for sports a sort of calm before the storm.

I feel that it is the same with politics. PMSH is about to announce a cabinet shuffle but I've been hearing that for about 3 weeks. In Ontario the MMP campaigns have just started and the provincial election is coming up but there really isn't any big news yet. In Alberta Ed Stelmach is trying to sound like Ralph Klein, who whenever he was in trouble tried to sound like Peter Lougheed and Dalton McGuinty is attacking the Feds over EI, same old same old.

It is so hot and steamy today everyone should just stay cool and wait for the cooler weather to get excited about sports or politics.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Thoughts for a Friday before Vacation

Canada is an interesting country, we are talk hockey 12 months of the year, we think some one has made it only when they are popular in the U.S.A but criticize American policy on everything.
Why do we love Canadians who have made it big in the U.S. but we don't like the U.S.A.

We like Americans as individuals but we don't like the collective. I am as guilty as anyone. We want Americans to like us but we don't want to be American. I won't drink Bud beer brewed by Labbatts because of the marketing premise behind the beer is that anyone who isn't American wants to be American.

Kind of silly I know but I can be very silly at times. I won't buy Time Magazine because I didn't like the issue when they picked the Personal Computer as Man of the Year. I think it was 1980 and I thought and still think that it is wrong to treat machines as human like. That is why I enjoy books like Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut and movies like the Matrix and Blade Runner.

I am trying to avoid writing about politics because I feel like it is the same thing over and over, Stephen Harper is ruining the country and the majority of Canadians don't seem to recognize it. We have to get this man out of power.

Those are my thoughts. See you in two weeks.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Bits and Pieces

I find this sad Stephen Owen was a good MP and cabinet minister. It seems to be a step down to me.

My son has is on his second of these, it is high time that Microsoft did something about this issue.

This story says everything about the CPC's and its leaders ethics and vindictiveness.

I'm going to wait and see how this works out before I make a decision. I like that they chose someone from outside the RCMP but I am concerned about political interference.

I love potato chips but they don't love me, reading this story made me very hungry.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Gary Bettman is an NBA mole

Interesting post on Lord Kitchener's Own about Gary Bettman. I had never heard this theory about David Stern planting Bettman as a mole in the NHL in order to destroy the league, but it explains everything that Bettman has done as Commissioner.

The insane expansion into non-hockey markets, the moves from Winnipeg and Quebec City, the poor treatment of Canadian fans, the lockouts etc. etc.

The latest scenario where Jim Balsillie is treated like crap because he wants to move the Predators to an actual hockey market is proof positive that Bettman is out to destroy the NHL. I have to believe that when the NHL finally goes bankrupt that a new league will emerge that has teams only in sustainable hockey markets in Canada and the USA. No more Nashville, Atlanta, Carolina, Tampa, Florida and with new owners in Chicago and Boston great hockey towns that have been alienated by the teams ownership.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Summer Is Here!

It will be very interesting to see how the summer goes for the Liberals and Conservatives.
The Liberals have to get Stephane Dion's profile increased. Here is a man that everyone that I have talked to that has met him or has taken the time to take an unbiased view of his career and his vision for Canada comes away impressed. Yet the polls show that he hasn't connected with Canadians. Get him out on the hustings and get him on television, let Canada see what he has to offer.

Stephen Harper has to repair his image with the average Canadian. He still has his core support but I think that the average person sees him as a Bush wannabe and a bully. Maybe I'm wrong but this is what I'm hearing.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Where have you gone Dudley Doright?

I have blogged about the RCMP before and this just confirms my suspicions. I am a little bit concerned that the OPP has been suggested as the appropriate investigative body, I am not a big fan of Julian Fantino. If Fantino keeps away from any investigation it may be okay. I would suggest that Ontario's current Ombudsman may be the best person to handle the job.

I have been impressed with him since he first came on the scene as the first director of the SIU. He isn't afraid to look into difficult situations and if he encounters official wrongdoing he doesn't sweep it under the rug.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Stephen Harper must be so confident in his ability to win Quebec and the West that he is writing off the Atlantic Provinces.

That is the only explanation for his reaction to current events, even if you are right, the wrong thing to say is sue me. All you are doing is highlighting the fact that you are not willing to listen to someone else's viewpoint. It is the typical response of an adult bully. Am I surprised that Harper won't listen to other viewpoints? No I am not. Am I surprised that he would be so open about it? Yes I am, I thought that he was a much better politician.

Not only is he losing voters in Atlantic Canada, he may be losing caucus members. The true Harper is coming out particularly as it relates to Atlantic Canadians who he has slagged before.

It makes you wonder why they even voted Conservative in the last election?

Friday, June 8, 2007

Tidbits not Timbits

When you read this guy's stuff just remember he was/is Brian Mulroney's buddy.

You have to be aware of her slant when she writes about Quebec, but overall she has a very good feel for Parliament.

This guy is out to make the news not report it. When did he become a constitutional expert and why is he repeating the theme of the Conservative attack ads? Maybe he wrote them.

Lots of people have told me that they consider Jean Charest one of the most disappointing and overrated politicians in recent memory. I think that he is probably a good cabinet minister but never had the political instincts to be a Party Leader.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Don't count your chickens etc.

I hope that this is true, but this kind of bravado tends to backfire.

Negative Ads

I know that I predicted this in the comment section of someone's blog (Jason Cherniak's I think or maybe BCTO's) but I want to also go on record as saying that some negative advertising does work.

In order to work it has to be well done and resonate with the viewer, the CPC's ads were poorly done and clearly didn't resonate. I would rather see the level of politcal debate in this country rise above the negative advertisement but I don't think it ever will because they work sometimes and also because sometimes they are needed to counter false claims by a politician or political party.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Stephane Dion

I like Stephane Dion. I've met him a couple of times and he is a genuine person so I am confused when people perceive him as arrogant. I suspect that Dion's confidence in his own intellect may be perceived as arrogance.

There is a good article in the Ottawa Citizen about Stephane Dion. The Citizen is no friend of the Liberal Party of Canada so I was surprised that the article was so positive. I think in time the majority of Canadians will see that Stephane Dion is the best leader for the country.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Humour Works

I wish I was as funny as Rick Mercer.

He has summed up this Prime Minister and his government perfectly!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Can Disney save the Mounties?

For much of Canada's history the Royal Canadian Mounted Police has been a symbol of Canada. Some of the image was the creation of Hollywood, but much of its image was a result of the good and honest work that the force did in the Canadian West. Now we are faced with scandal after scandal.

As a lawyer, I have come to understand that you cannot always trust that the Police are doing the right thing. The RCMP and other police services are made up of human beings just like you and I. They make mistakes, they can become drunk on the power that they wield and a very small minority of police officers are dishonest. Society as a whole tends to believe that the police do no wrong and it is only when they have their own encounter with the police do they see that the police sometimes do make mistakes and sometimes do abuse their power. That is why all police services need civilian oversight and critical review of their operations.

The RCMP appears to have lacked this kind of oversight and critical review. The Mounties appear to have strayed from the straight and narrow. Who knows maybe the RCMP has been like this for a long time and its rotten internal culture is just now being exposed.

I wonder how Disney will market the Mounties now?

Monday, May 28, 2007

How does He do it?

Jean-Pierre Blackburn has been able to misuse government money and break all sorts of rules without there being a huge outcry from the Canadian public.

How does He do it?

This is so blatantly wrong and against the rules that he should resign immediately. When will this government be accountable? Harper touted accountability in the election campaign and passed an Act called The Accountability Act, yet he has a cabinet with members who think that everyone is accountable but themselves. This just further proof that the only thing that Mr. Harper has ever been interested in is to obtain and maintain power, to hell with morals and principles.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Hand Guns

I have never understood hunting and have always thought the only people who should have guns are soldiers and police officers. As I am willing to see more than one side of an argument, I have been willing to grant hunters their long guns as long as they are registered; but I never accepted the need for hand guns.

The argument about protection doesn't fly with me, if you are armed with a hand gun and some one breaks into your home armed with a hand gun aren't they more likely to shoot at you in order to prevent you from shooting them?

Now with the shooting at the high school in T.O. people are talking about banning hand guns, good for them but also push for the continuation of the long gun registration.

I'm not the only one

This is sort of update to my previous post but since it is a couple of days later I decided it deserved a new post.

General Hillier says the same thing as I did regarding troop morale

Of course that doesn't make it right, it just means that I'm not the only one.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Black and White

I believe that there are too many bloggers who portray things as being black and white (to use an old cliche) when the truth is that most issues are not clear cut. For instance Harper's trip to Afganistan, while clearly it is a political move that is intended to aid him politically it also serves a useful purpose of improving the morale of the Canadians serving there.

Should Canadians be in Afganistan? That is a different issue and if you want to question our role in Afganistan and NATO I respect you for it but don't portray Harper as being completely wrong in visiting our troops.

I want to make it clear that I am no fan of Mr. Harper and his government in fact I work everyday to get Harper defeated and since the end of the Soviet Union I question the need for NATO. But as long as Canada is a member of NATO we need to honour our obligations.

What bothers me right now is that other NATO countries don't seem to be willing to do the same; Canada has asked other NATO member countries to do more in Afganistan with no success. Perhaps it is time for NATO to be moth balled; not completely disbanded but end its operational functions until its role can be debated by the member countries.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New Blog

I have just started this blog and don't know where I will go with it. I am interested in Canadian Politics and will probably make that the focus of this blog.

Please be patient while I get the hang of this thing!